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Average rating: 3.50 (Strong Buy) 1.00 - 5.00 (Strong Sell) Total: 2 members

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Nov. 28 2004, 8:17 PM ET
Nearest price: 10.87 (11/29/04)
by nuc1111 (profile)
(all of nuc1111's ratings)
I have done well with this stock following the insider trades of the CEO who started buying in the single digits and selling in the 40's some time ago. he seems to be quiet now. I would watch him and only buy when he does

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Nov. 28 2004, 3:47 PM ET
Nearest price: 10.87 (11/29/04)
by Weasel (profile)
(all of Weasel's ratings)
(Previous rating: Sell,
on Nov. 28 2004, 07:36 AM ET)
For all those who are interested in NASCAR, you have probably have heard of ACTION Performance, the Die-Cast Model Company of different racing series.
This is an average buy, as I have some stock in this, but very little, about 10 shares. When I last updated this, which was October 9th, 2004. It had a high price of 10.27 with 1,449,500 volume, a high for the month of October. I reccommend sell a substantial amount, but hold some as this has more ups and downs than women with menopause, at least the mood swings part. And by the way, you're taking this advice from my 12-year old son, R.J. I looked at this stock, and said do a sell for now, then change as time goes buy.

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 1 said yes (of 1 -- 100.00%)


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