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Strong Buy 
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1 members
5 members
2 members
Strong Sell 
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Average rating: 3.12 (Strong Buy) 1.00 - 5.00 (Strong Sell) Total: 8 members

Annual growth of BCSB:

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Oct. 2 2007, 10:38 PM ET
Nearest price: 8.00 (10/02/07)
by scuttlebut (profile)
(all of scuttlebut's ratings)
(Previous rating: Hold,
on Jun. 1 2003, 1:50 PM ET)
Second step conversion will be a struggle, and just may require an infusion of funds from a private party to save it, albeit it at a lower price, dragging everyone down. Not a pretty picture. Even if it survives, asset opportunities are uninspiring as the economy slips into recession.

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 1 said yes (of 1 -- 100.00%)

Jun. 25 2004, 11:58 AM ET
Nearest price: 13.96 (06/25/04)
by buyandhold (profile)
(all of buyandhold's ratings)
(Previous rating: Sell,
on Aug. 14 2003, 5:21 PM ET)
Upgrading this junker to Hold based on price decline. It is still terribly run but the gap between stock price and potential value has widened too much to keep it a Sell.

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Mar. 13 2004, 5:41 PM ET
Nearest price: 20.00 (03/15/04)
by ClassyLady (profile)
(all of ClassyLady's ratings)
(Previous rating: Strong Buy,
on Nov. 2 2003, 8:29 PM ET)
had a nice move up the last few months. The bank has a terrible p/e. Any upside comes with second stage anticipation

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 0 said yes (of 1 -- 0.00%)

Jan. 28 2004, 5:47 PM ET
Nearest price: 20.00 (01/28/04)
by belowbookvalue (profile)
(all of belowbookvalue's ratings)
(Previous rating: Buy,
on Jul. 14 2003, 1:17 PM ET)
Downgrading from Buy to Hold based on a $3 rise in stock price since last rating

1) Obvious acquisition target for NWSB which has already purchased Leeds MHC in same town.
2) Can not explain recent run although would welcome a 2nd step or buyout.

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 0 said yes (of 1 -- 0.00%)

Dec. 21 2003, 4:20 PM ET
Nearest price: 17.97 (12/22/03)
by DonCorleon (profile)
(all of DonCorleon's ratings)
(Previous rating: Hold,
on Aug. 14 2003, 3:08 PM ET)
New Comments:

Earnings out for the year and quarter this past friday. $.01/share compared to $.12/share (diluted) last year for Q4 and $.22/share compared to $.30/share (diluted) last year for the full year. Very little explaination of what happened other that decreased interest spread. No mention of the "large loan" referenced in the previous quarter. Provision for loan loss almost 3x what it was at end of fiscal 2002, but only $160K (12%) of this in Q4 2003. Very difficult to interpret and little guidance from company to "help". However, assets grew about 14% from end of Q4 2002 - with assets now approaching $700K. To be watched very closely.

Previous comments:
Earnings release raises questions regarding a large loan, and Quarterly earnings come out to nil after provision for loan loss. Hold for current owners, perhaps buy on weakness, if any, as a result of announcement. Would not add new money at these levels until the story of this one non performing loan is revealed. However, the "long term" picture is most likely still positive.

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Nov. 18 2003, 2:35 PM ET
Nearest price: 18.01 (11/18/03)
by elevenwall (profile)
(all of elevenwall's ratings)
(Previous rating: Strong Buy,
on Oct. 30 2003, 3:43 PM ET)
See change of sentiment in the community banking sector. Therefore, I am changing rating on BCSB ($17.80) from Strong buy to hold. Wouldn't buy if I didn't own and would consider selling if long the name.

MHCs are popular investments as second step appraisal levels reaching all time highs. BCSB is one of the most inexpensive of the bunch. At its current price of $17.10, I calculate that if BCSB completed a second step offering the shares at 110% of fully converted tangible book value, that the current price/tangible book value is about 80%. With over $600 million in assets BCSB has an attractive franchise. Additionally, given that Northwest (NWSB) acquried another MHC, Leeds Federal (LFED), they could be interested in acquiring another company to expand their business in Baltimore (Leeds only has three branches in Baltimore). If that was the case, it would not surprise me if BCSB got $25 per share in a takeout as an MHC.

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Oct. 30 2003, 8:02 PM ET
Nearest price: 17.09 (10/30/03)
by chavez3 (profile)
(all of chavez3's ratings)
I own some at 7 & 8.
Essentially no earnings ever.
At this price I'm very tempted to sell.
Remute per SNL under 20-possible gain of 10%.
Traded for most of the last 4 years under 10.
I don't see any reason to buy.

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Nov. 24 2002, 1:06 PM ET
Nearest price: 12.83 (11/25/02)
by horn (profile)
(all of horn's ratings)
This one is a long shot, like playing the horses. Count on NWSB moving into Baltimore market through purchase of Leeds Financial....Next conquest for NWSB is the remutualization of BCSB.

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