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Strong Buy 
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Average rating: 2.00 (Strong Buy) 1.00 - 5.00 (Strong Sell) Total: 1 members

Annual growth of KPELF:

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Sep. 28 2004, 10:14 AM ET
Nearest price: 7.51 (10/15/10)
by bcblab (profile)
(all of bcblab's ratings)
(Previous rating: Buy,
on Sep. 28 2004, 10:12 AM ET)
Keppel Corporation KPELF or KPELY (ADR) KPLM.SI on yahoo
Keppel website www.kepcorp.com

Keppel is a Singapore based conglomerate. The main business is Offshore and Marine which is the designing and building of rigs and vessels for offshore oil exploration and production. Other businesses are property development in Asia and infrastructure (power and oil refining). Business is strong and getting stronger. Company should earn about .65 in 04 and .71 in 05. They have made .31 in the 1st half of the year. Stock price is around 8 Singapore dollars so the company trades with a PE of about 12. Stock yields 3% with a ROE around 15.5. Company has a 3.6 billion US market cap. Temasek, the investment arm of the Singapore government owms about 30% of the shares. The investment rationale is rather simple. Energy is a hot sector, oil prices are high and offshore drilling should have a few good years. Keppel trades at a large discount to US listed oil service companies. It appears to be well run. I would venture to guess that the singapore dollar will appreciate versus our greenback. I own the ordinary shares. ADR equals 2 ordinary shares.

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