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Strong Buy 
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Average rating: 2.00 (Strong Buy) 1.00 - 5.00 (Strong Sell) Total: 1 members

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Dec. 22 2004, 12:31 AM ET
Nearest price: 10.40 (02/17/05)
by Niagra (profile)
(all of Niagra's ratings)
At 11, under fully converted book, one can own a solid shop in good NJ area, move in condition, best location in the town on a highly visible interesection surrounded by numerous other banks, one of which will surley it will become. Run by a former OTS regulator, smartley raises cash in amounts that he can use, I say this is a good one with limited downside at 11. My target 12 months out, 13. Second step likely sooner than later.

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