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Strong Buy 
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Strong Sell 
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Average rating: 2.33 (Strong Buy) 1.00 - 5.00 (Strong Sell) Total: 3 members

Annual growth of NFI:

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Dec. 20 2004, 09:38 AM ET
Nearest price: 227.28 (12/20/04)
by BEN (profile)
(all of BEN's ratings)
Strong Buy
(Previous rating: Strong Buy,
on Oct. 18 2004, 10:52 AM ET)
The probability that over the next 12 months the dividend growth is much higher then alternative investments is number one. The ability to manage the hedge on colateralized assets has better visability now that higher oil prices have slowed world growth is number two. The growth of institutional ownership of shares is number three.The shareholders whom have wanted to sell are now mostly gone for year end tax planning. The weight of favorable signs to make a calculated investment decision in a dividend growth stock with a very good track record is heavy.

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 1 said yes (of 1 -- 100.00%)

Dec. 9 2004, 02:48 AM ET
Nearest price: 212.04 (12/09/04)
by WestWFA (profile)
(all of WestWFA's ratings)
(Previous rating: Strong Buy,
on Jun. 8 2004, 3:52 PM ET)
Dec 2004 UPDATE: Major up movement - time to downgrade to a hold.

UPDATE: I am raising to strong buy, but this is clearly a whole lot more risk than most of my SB's. The lawsuit news is wearing thin. It sure looks like the downward slide is long over. Probability of not much stock price movement, but a double digit payout is pretty high. But, NFI dividend payouts should propel the stock higher. I am thinking that a 15 to 20% return by Jan 2004 is possible.

PRIOR COMMENTS: NFI business model is misunderstood. There are a lot of folks who are short on this stock. Sub-prime lending sounds vaguely ugly to some. I think they are doing a decent job and it looks like after this blowoff, this stock will be dividend driven again. As a Reit, they are forced to payout 85% - and it looks like this will be a lot higher than $5 this year.

Bought Monday April 12 at $41.50 - got a bloodier hand trying to catch the falling knife too soon.

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 3 said yes (of 3 -- 100.00%)

Apr. 13 2004, 07:57 AM ET
Nearest price: 167.56 (04/13/04)
by dkepesh (profile)
(all of dkepesh's ratings)
(Previous rating: Sell,
on Mar. 7 2004, 1:54 PM ET)
ok, enough is enough.


perhaps there should be some talk of the accounting at NFI. in particular, their use of non-cash accretion of principal held at a discount to face, from which they need to borrow to pay the dividend. scott hartman is very smart, no doubt, and his done a masterful job, but when the payout ratio in terms of real cash in the door diverges so significantly from the company's dividend distribution, its time to take your gains and move on. o/w, its just a matter of timing before the house of cards disintegrates.

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 2 said yes (of 4 -- 50.00%)


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