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Strong Buy 
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Strong Sell 
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Average rating: 1.67 (Strong Buy) 1.00 - 5.00 (Strong Sell) Total: 3 members

Annual growth of NYB:

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Jan. 29 2005, 12:03 PM ET
Nearest price: 17.83 (01/31/05)
by scuttlebut (profile)
(all of scuttlebut's ratings)
Strong Buy
This story is as good as ever, yet the stock is down some 50% from its high. Problem has been management has allowed itself to be misled by investment bankers into overfunding its balance sheet, then squandering the dough in ill-timed investments. They did this a few years back, then dug themselves out, rising to new heights of glory, only to do the dumb deed again in 2004. How many hits in the head with a 2x4 will it take to straighten these guys out? My guess is 2 is enough. Analysts look at this company and their models all scream "sell." My model screams "buy." This is a unique bank, with a dominant niche business that grows in correlation with NYC real estate values. The dividend exceeds 5%, and they raise it regularly.

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 1 said yes (of 1 -- 100.00%)

Jan. 31 2004, 8:22 PM ET
Nearest price: 31.16 (02/02/04)
by cojones (profile)
(all of cojones's ratings)
NYB converted in 11/1994 as the Queens County Savings Bank. At the 10 year mark this past November, NYB ranked as one of the ten top performing stocks in the entire stock universe with dividends included. Can it reproduce that type of performance going forward? No, but it is consistently a top performer, has excellent shareholder friendly management and completely defines what aftermarket performance should be.

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 1 said yes (of 1 -- 100.00%)

Jan. 31 2004, 8:07 PM ET
Nearest price: 31.16 (02/02/04)
by banker8 (profile)
(all of banker8's ratings)
(Previous rating: Buy,
on Jan. 31 2004, 8:04 PM ET)
This stock has split eight times over the past decade and is about to have another split. The management is brilliant. They continue to takeover other local banks and have integrated them well in to their system. They allow the banks taken over to keep their original name which has been helpful in keeping their market share. NYB also keeps increasing its dividend. I wish that I had never sold a single share of this stock.

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 1 said yes (of 1 -- 100.00%)


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