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Strong Buy 
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Average rating: 1.67 (Strong Buy) 1.00 - 5.00 (Strong Sell) Total: 3 members

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Jan. 29 2009, 08:52 AM ET
Nearest price: 4.60 (01/29/09)
by timatayo (profile)
(all of timatayo's ratings)
(Previous rating: Strong Sell,
on Nov. 15 2008, 12:31 AM ET)
Change to HOLD......it still sucks..baltimore region going to get lambasted ...but how much downside can you really have??? It is either zero or not.......

These idiot take a million and half charge against the Ultra Short Fund........Bad Karma....

They cant make money during good times....these dummies wont make money as we go sideways for a few years....built a ridiculous HQ building a few years back and thus there is the nice portion of the book value.........not even a good design.....dont know what the piece of crap HQ is worth if someone buying.....so there would be a problem with that.....

Is there something in the water in Baltimore???? One is dummer than the next.....maybe they will make a fatal mistake and buy a weak sister bank......two dummies dont make a smartie......

OOUCH...I sold out my position long ago.....

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 2 said yes (of 2 -- 100.00%)

Jan. 9 2009, 6:27 PM ET
Nearest price: 5.51 (01/09/09)
by sbguy (profile)
(all of sbguy's ratings)
Strong Buy
[ No comment ]

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Jan. 14 2005, 2:26 PM ET
Nearest price: 9.75 (01/14/05)
by Niagra (profile)
(all of Niagra's ratings)
Strong Buy
Growth story towards Washington DC. Progressing in business towards the Yuppies rathers than the Slavinians.

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 1 said yes (of 1 -- 100.00%)


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