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Strong Buy 
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2 members
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Strong Sell 
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Average rating: 3.00 (Strong Buy) 1.00 - 5.00 (Strong Sell) Total: 2 members

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Sep. 15 2003, 7:07 PM ET
Nearest price: 25.00 (02/16/06)
by buyandhold (profile)
(all of buyandhold's ratings)
(Previous rating: Buy,
on Jun. 7 2003, 7:03 PM ET)
Pure risk arbitrage at this point.

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Sep. 15 2003, 10:59 AM ET
Nearest price: 25.00 (02/16/06)
by belowbookvalue (profile)
(all of belowbookvalue's ratings)
(Previous rating: Strong Buy,
on Jun. 6 2003, 11:37 AM ET)
Downgrading from a strong buy to a hold based on announced merger with NWSB @ $17. Holders can look forward to a .7% appreciation upon consummation.

This is the MHC for First Carnegie Deposit of Pittsburgh. Assets are about $150 M. Initial offering was October, 1998. Currently trading @ $16.87--

Reasons I liked it before merger announcement:

1) 60% mutually held gives it good dividend waive power
2) Generous dividend policy with numerous extraordinary dividends
3) Current dividend is $.48/ year
4) Chairman is 75
5) In NWSB territory - NWSB is coming into a lot of cash very soon - They have bought other MHC- - I believe SKBO is target
6) In event of second step you will see nice pop on announcement and actual conversion.
7) No bubble in their assets
8) Cheaply priced relative to other MHC

Best possible scenario for stockholders and some other interested parties is that SKBO cancels merger and pursues second step conversion- likelihood is nero zero.

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