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Feb. 11 2004, 1:32 PM ET
Nearest price: 15.34 (02/11/04)
by corvettekid (profile)
(all of corvettekid's ratings)
Texas Capital Bancshares is a fairly new Texas bank that is headed by many veterans of the past Texas banking wars. It is led by Jody Grant, who headed Texas American Bancshares in the 1980's during the most difficult time for a group of banks (Texas banks) in our nation's history (worse than the Depression!). Grant did a commendable job with a horrible deck handed to him.

TCBI is just breaking out of the starters gate. ROA and ROE are nothing to write home about. This is a bank where you are buying for three reasons: (1) Jody Grant and the management team of TCBI, who have contacts and Rolodexes with key Texas bank and business people that would put anybody to shame; (2) A Texas banking market hungry for home-grown banks after a decade of watching big East and West Coast banks come in and help themselves to hurting banks or branches; and (3) A Texas economy and bank sector that will see more Texas start-ups and consolidation going forward.

Texas is alot different economically than it was when "Dallas" aired on Friday nights. The economy is alot more diversified, but it is energy self-sufficient, is growing population-wise quite alot thanks to immigration from other states (and Mexico!).

The demographics, bank environment, and Texas economy all spell "golden opportunity" for smart, savvy bankers. In Jody Grant and his team, you have 'em.

Ride This Cowboy to riches.

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