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Strong Buy 
1 members
1 members
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0 members
Strong Sell 
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Average rating: 1.50 (Strong Buy) 1.00 - 5.00 (Strong Sell) Total: 2 members

Annual growth of CZWI:

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Mar. 31 2004, 8:36 PM ET
Nearest price: 12.50 (03/31/04)
by Niagra (profile)
(all of Niagra's ratings)
Strong Buy
If you have not bought yesterday or today, you will have to buy tomorrow. This one is not there. There is none left for anyone, anyhow, anywhere. Get some if you can, though it is rare. Tight lines for good fishing, and there won't be any if you don't take some. I see 14-16 in 6 months. This is a buy reccomendation.

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 1 said yes (of 3 -- 33.33%)

Mar. 31 2004, 1:25 PM ET
Nearest price: 12.50 (03/31/04)
by TP (profile)
(all of TP's ratings)
High remutualization book: $18.86 partly due to 35% minority ownership.
Low NPA .43%
High NIM 4.9%
Low interest rate risk -2bp for 200bp increase in rates.
Most insiders buying albeit low individual/group maximums.
Dividend of .20 annually. MHC plans to waive dividends. They seem to be
serious about this as they advise they may cut dividend if not allowed to
waive MHC dividend.

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 2 said yes (of 2 -- 100.00%)


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