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Strong Buy 
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Strong Sell 
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Average rating: 2.20 (Strong Buy) 1.00 - 5.00 (Strong Sell) Total: 5 members

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Dec. 21 2005, 3:18 PM ET
Nearest price: 22.81 (12/21/05)
by TP (profile)
(all of TP's ratings)
I am a physician and have lost money on every health care stock I have bought so what do I know. It has a 180b market cap. GE has a 360b market cap. Is it going to be as big as GE? I don't think so. I would add up the sales of all the drugs going off patent and see if it is likely that they can replace them. They need this just to keep their present market cap. Also even though Lipitor's patent has several years left, Merck's anti-cholesterol drug goes off patent this spring. I am on Lipitor at more than $100 a month. I am going to see if I can switch to the Merck generic when it comes out. I think this is a hold at best.

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Feb. 6 2004, 3:47 PM ET
Nearest price: 36.86 (02/06/04)
by hitendra (profile)
(all of hitendra's ratings)
Strong Buy
Cheap Valuation - Drug stock did not participate in big run last year.
Not it's PFE's turn. Solid defencive investment.

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Nov. 22 2002, 4:30 PM ET
Nearest price: 30.71 (11/22/02)
by Allocate (profile)
(all of Allocate's ratings)
(Previous rating: Hold,
on Nov. 22 2002, 4:14 PM ET)
Will Pfizer be able to add to their list of blockbusters and relaize their antiipated $2.5B in annual cost savings by 2005? We can only wait to see what the merger brings.

Pharmacia brings great pipeline and long patent lives on existing product (next expiration is in 2007). Pfizer's reasons for the acquisition were to expand PFE in oncology (Camptosar) and opthamology (Xalatan). Also to get 100% of the COX-2 revenues from Celebrex/Bextra/Dynastat. $3.4B in 2001.

Vettekid raises some good points. The last PFE product was Viagra (I think). But PFE sponsors a NASCAR driver and PHA does not.

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 1 said yes (of 1 -- 100.00%)

Nov. 22 2002, 2:26 PM ET
Nearest price: 30.71 (11/22/02)
by corvettekid (profile)
(all of corvettekid's ratings)
Strong Buy
The stock is relatively cheap compared to past valuations -- where have we heard THAT before? -- but I would rather pay 24X earnings for a premier drug company than the S&P500 which is growing at 1/2-1/3rd the earnings growth rate.

A word of caution. Pfizer does have a good pipeline and had it's share of blockbusters in the late 1990's, getting a nice rise out of Viagra (pun intended). However, this is a company that has historically overestimated it's clinical successes in early-stage testing and had a less than sterling batting average in turning out successful drugs from it's pipeline, let alone blockbusters. For some reason, Wall Street is more forgiving of Pfizer than other companies (more investment banking dollars?).

That said, I agree this is a good company. Interesting that this company has done 2 big mergers within 3 years. Give them an "A" on being proactive in a tough environment, but it probably also goes a ways towards showing that their organic growth and R&D efforts have hit a wall and that they wanted to use their rich currency before it evaporated: use it or lose it.

All that quibbling aside, I rate the company STRONG BUY.

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 1 said yes (of 1 -- 100.00%)

Nov. 21 2002, 5:21 PM ET
Nearest price: 31.31 (11/21/02)
by bankshot (profile)
(all of bankshot's ratings)
Pfizer has had the reputation as the premier marketer of prescription drugs for many decades. The indigestion from merger-mania is giving even this proton inhibitor pumper some mighty hiccups. In the long run, PFE will run true to form and recapture the glory days...but you'll have to wait until the boomers turn 60 in 2006 to catch an updraft.

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