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Average rating: 2.33 (Strong Buy) 1.00 - 5.00 (Strong Sell) Total: 3 members

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Oct. 27 2004, 6:44 PM ET
Nearest price: 9.50 (10/27/04)
by JOAC (profile)
(all of JOAC's ratings)
I am a RBLG bull ! ceo is new and has little control this bank is run as buy & hold says by directors who own 10% of our float. I just luv it when there is a new ceo , one that is NOT\entrenched with view or preserving a tradition like banking was a national treasure
or somethin , nah this oinker will be going to the block as the directors wish to cash in
its sleeping now around book in pinks , worth 19 in 3+ years , buy and put away
esp good under 10 mucho buyback power here , insiders bot 5% of float at issue,
they will support shareholder values , RBLG is another safe and boring way to make 15%
a year : 0 ) fair value is 11.25 stock is off and i think it was appraised fairly yet
the market sees it other wise??? how long will it remain under 10 , how long did self last in the 9's ? while a big round is coming it may remain dormant but soon will run to 10 3/4

RBL$ is a buy !!

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 1 said yes (of 1 -- 100.00%)

Oct. 27 2004, 5:07 PM ET
Nearest price: 9.50 (10/27/04)
by buyandhold (profile)
(all of buyandhold's ratings)
No reason this should go up any time soon, but insiders never belly up to the bar in a second step transaction like they did this time. The board controls this bank, not the CEO, and they will want to monetize. While the market area is not exciting, they have done a pretty good job diversifying their lending and have a good deposit base. Needless to say, there are a large number of potential buyers.

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Oct. 27 2004, 07:02 AM ET
Nearest price: 9.50 (10/27/04)
by Niagra (profile)
(all of Niagra's ratings)
Nibble this one here, management in position to sell itself as soon as possible. Even though location is so so, it is still in Jersey. Low risk play at 9.60.

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 1 said yes (of 1 -- 100.00%)


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